We believe in the academic potential of all young people and the power of a high school diploma
Our on-site WASC accredited charter high school gives youth a chance to earn their diploma in a caring and supportive learning environment. On average, our students have attended three other schools before joining SJCC+CS.
A comprehensive, WASC accredited, high school designed specifically to meet the needs of opportunity youth.
FREE enrollment with NO tuition
Rolling admission dates
Ability to earn ONLY the credits you need (180 credits to graduate)
Opportunity for paid job training and college scholarship
Flexible scheduling
Counseling and support services
VTA Clipper Cards
Opportunity for free tattoo removal

Academic Literacy
The ability to read, write, speak, calculate, reason across all core academic areas.
Digital Literacy
The ability to learn and creatively express oneself through technology.
Civic Literacy
The ability to participate thoughtfully, responsibly, and passionately in the life of the community.
College and Career Literacy
The ability to utilize the foundational skills sought by employers and needed to succeed in higher education.

Leveraging community service for advanced education
SJCC+CS's AmeriCorps program, a voluntary civil service program supported by the U.S. federal government with a goal of helping others and meeting critical needs in the community, offers members the opportunity to earn a college scholarship, ranging from $1,538- $2,215, by participating in community service events in our communities. They also participate in workshops or training, and by partake in the job training program. In addition, AmeriCorps partners with the Recycling Department to help create internship opportunities at local community colleges.
SJCCCS Contacts:
General information
Cecelia Estrada, SJCCCS Administrative Assistant
Enrollment & Recruiting
Nancy Maldonado, SJCCCS Recruiter